Co-designing Citizen Social Science for Collective Action

The CoAct project aims to position and demonstrate the scientific relevance and social impact of citizen social science, which connotes a radically participatory approach where citizens are considered in-the-field experts and co-researchers. The different Research and Innovation (R&I) actions that will be developed within the project will engage citizens and local civil society groups sharing a social concern as co-researchers and place them at the center of an open, inclusive and transparent Research and Innovation (R&I) cycle. 

CoAct’s ambitious Research and Innovation (R&I) initiatives will respond to citizen´s social concerns related to Mental Health Care in Barcelona, Youth Employment in Vienna, Environmental Justice in Buenos Aires and Gender Equality in Berlin and in Eastern European countries. For the first time, Citizen Social Science will be deployed at a broad geographical scale and applied to a diversity of complex social issues. 

To achieve this aim, CoAct proposes a radically new approach to face this four “wicked” social global issues by engaging citizens sharing these social concerns as in-the field competent co-researchers. The approach represents a new understanding of the underexplored field of Citizen Social Science, which will result in the production of scientific evidence-informed reactions, creation of new policies and/or improvement of existing ones, and demonstration of citizen’s capacity to shape the innovation process. 

The project started in January 2020 with the participation of 9 consortium partners, from which 7 are European partners representing 4 countries (Spain, Austria, Germany, and United Kingdom) and 2 South American partners from Argentina.

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This project is funded by the European Union under the grant agreement 873048 of the Horizon 2020 programme.


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